CEO Update – Back to normal?
Today after dropping my middle schoolers off for their first week of in-person learning since last March of 2020, these awesome co-workers joined me in another first. We returned to the office after being away for nearly 14 months! Wow.
Walking in the doors, I breathed in a true sigh of relief. It was like coming home again. The office promises moments of uninterrupted work and in-person, human interaction with colleagues. No energetic dogs, needy children, delivery door drops and all the work-from-home heroics so many have been juggling.
There are still a lot of things to iron out in this new transition back to some sense of “normal” of course. We soon found ourselves asking questions like… does the coffee machine still work? What will it take to turn the internet on again? While this is only the beginning, we at Team Red Dog realize this transition is not going to happen overnight. And, there is no illusion that the office of yesterday may ever be again. Who exactly will return to in-person work and for how many days a week, those details are still to be determined. But the truth of the matter is that goals will be set, meetings will be had and our company will continue to wholeheartedly serve our clients regardless of where we chose to work from. Just don’t ask me to make your lunch or check your homework, and we’ll be good.